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REACTION: Unprofessionalism seems to be the reason why Rhodie was recast for Iron Man 2

Nov 10, 2008

Validity of any of the reasons provided for why Marvel Studios recast Terrence Howard's role of Colonel Jim Rhodes in "Iron Man" would indicate that everyone involved acted in an unprofessional manner.

One of the several reasons provided for Howard's recasting was that the actor expected the same or more money to reprise a role for which he was already paid more than any of the rest of the original acting cast including star Robert Downey Jr., so Marvel Studios decided to instead cast Don Cheadle as Rhodie. 

If this reason is fact, the blame for the recasting was the movie studio's fault for inexplicably paying the most money for Howard to portray a supporting character that did not play that prominent of a role in "Iron Man." 

It set a reckless standard from which the rest of the original actors from the movie could have held the development of a sequel hostage until they were offered more substantial pay to portray comparably more important characters.

Another explanation put forward for Rhodie's recasting was that Howard was "difficult" on the set of "Iron Man" and that his performance was lackluster enough for director Jon Favreau to have extensively reshot and cut his scenes, though the two alleged reasons might be one in the same.

Either explanation proving to be fact would indicate that Howard and Favreau failed to communicate in way that would have allowed the actor to know how to act in a manner beneficial to the kind of performance his director expected. While actors are known to bring their inflated egos to a movie set, directors are expected to control them. 

"Multiple sources say that Marvel execs never told Howard's reps that they had issues with the star's on-set conduct," Entertainment Weekly reports.

Howard expressed the same sentiment after Marvel Studios announced it recast the role of Iron Man's sidekick with Cheadle, saying "it was the surprise of a lifetime. There was no explanation. (The contract) just...up and vanished."

Favreau's unprofessional directing style would further be to blame if instead of developing a common ground with Howard, the director and screenwriter Justin Theroux considered simply diminishing the extent of Rhodie's inclusion in a sequel and hence the amount of money offered on Oct. 13 for the portrayal of the character who would have likely come to wear the War Machine armor.

"The agents, according to sources, were so taken aback by this new figure - estimated at somewhere between a 50 and 80 percent pay cut - that they questioned it," Entertainment Weekly reports as well.

Marvel Studios thereafter quickly offered Cheadle the role of Rhodie, his acceptance of which was announced the next morning . READ THE FULL STORY!


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