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REACTION REVERIE: 'The Dark Knight' script indicates The Batman may have caused Harvey Two-Face's confirmed death

Aug 5, 2008

Aaron Eckhart and the official script for "The Dark Knight" confirm that his Harvey Two-Face character is "DEAD" and thus will not return to terrorize Gotham City in a likely sequel.

What remains unclear, and that is not confirmed or debunked by the official script, is whether The Batman (Christian Bale) caused the ill-starred district attorney to fall to his death from the high floor of a burnt warehouse.

Official confirmation of The Batman's complicity in the death would indicate a stark contrast to the character's one rule in the movie and in the comics that he does not resort to killing criminals.

In the movie's finale, Eckhart's Harvey Two-Face flips a coin to determine whether the son of Gary Oldman's Commissioner Gordon will die. When he flips the coin, "Batman hurls himself at Dent and the boy," causing them to fall over the edge of the warehouse, the official script shows.

Whether this constitutes murder and jeopardizes the already delicate moral reputation of The Batman among fans remains in question.

Without question, "Dent lies at the bottom ... his neck broken ... DEAD" as a result of the fall, the official script shows. If that was not enough to establish the death of the character, the script further confirms a sequence in the movie in which "GORDON STANDS AT A PODIUM AT DENT'S FUNERAL."

Eckhart recently validated the script's details, telling Hype! that director Christopher Nolans considers his character dead as well.


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